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Showing posts from October, 2018

Live Life LikeThis

Live Life Like This....  By Zaina Starr  September 16, 2018 Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want.  Experience will be with you the rest of your life. A wiser person is what you become. Everything changes when you change. The domino effect;  for every action, there will be a reaction. Be proud of your talents. Your talents allow you to grow.  Talents personalize character. Don't answer to what people call you.  Answer only to what you allow yourself to be.  Nothing more; Nothing less. A better person today than yesterday is the goal. For every  positive situation there will be a negative outcome.  For every negative situation there will be a positive outcome.  Karma controls your life. Don't judge by your first impression, but by the second.   First impressions are fantasies. How you perceive a situation is the key.  Accept the displeasing, learn. Accept the superb; inspire.  Unlock the doors you have the key to. There&#

Writing Workshop:Time to Discover your Self

Writing Workshop #1 Self Discovery Friday October 5, 2018 By Zaina Starr Write a descriptive paragraph pertaining to yourself. Do not use the prompt in your paragraph answers. Write as though you are talking to your past self from your future self using the writing prompt below. Once all writing workshops pertaining to self discovery have been made available and adequate time to write each paragraph accordingly to each prompt given, then there will be a writing contest to fit all the paragraphs relate to self discovery that you have written into one piece of writing about self discovery. I have provided links to a paragraph organizer template and several helpful worksheets that will expand your knowledge and allow descriptive paragraphs to capture the reader. Writing Prompt: If you could go back in time, what would you tell your younger self? Additional Links- Descriptive words- 250 Ways to say Went- https://pin