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Live Life LikeThis

Live Life Like This....

 By Zaina Starr 
September 16, 2018
Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want.  Experience will be with you the rest of your life. A wiser person is what you become.
Everything changes when you change. The domino effect;  for every action, there will be a reaction.
Be proud of your talents. Your talents allow you to grow.  Talents personalize character.
Don't answer to what people call you.  Answer only to what you allow yourself to be.  Nothing more; Nothing less. A better person today than yesterday is the goal.
For every  positive situation there will be a negative outcome.  For every negative situation there will be a positive outcome.  Karma controls your life.
Don't judge by your first impression, but by the second.   First impressions are fantasies.
How you perceive a situation is the key.  Accept the displeasing, learn. Accept the superb; inspire.  Unlock the doors you have the key to.
There's a time for everything.  Allow that time. Time can not be made up.  Live in the present and be ready for the future.
Determination is up to you.  Doubt nothing but your doubts.  Have no regrets. Wisdom; prosper from experience.  The only person in your way is you.
What you want to be is who you already are.  Your mission progresses moment by moment. Things will fall into place after they fall apart.
Never by chance.  Your choices; your destiny.  Not what you did, but what God done through you.
The best in the world is nothing more than an opinion.  The best for the world is fact. Fact overrules opinion. Help someone; hurt no one.
Your superpower balances your  kryptonite. Find out who you are by letting go of what you are not. Determining who you are is your permission.  Don't let your work determine your worth.
  Not everything that counts can be counted; expand your comfort zone.   Not everyone will be on your path. They are not lost. Clearing the path who comes after you; guidance. Everything that counts will not always be counted.
Don't plan a better life.  Live a better life. The best answer; love.  The world needs people who are alive.
Fix yourself then allow your actions.  Your power comes from that small, little voice that's inside.  Everything happens for you. They don't happen not to you.
Don't allow struggle.  Nothing is upstream. Stay right where you are, the true greatness.
Make a life by what you give.  Make a living by what you get. Be somebody's hero, even if you are  your own hero.
Live each day to have no regrets at the end of the day.  And there will be no regrets at the end of your life. Living life like this is how life is supposed to be.  
You are who you are meant to be.  Experience changes talents. Time is fact.  Acceptance and permission is your destiny.  Guidance is what keeps you alive.
What God has done through you is what happened for you.  Being a hero seems magical but being your own hero is a miracle.


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