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Showing posts from 2020

Experience Eternal Life

John 12:23-25 Jesus replied, ‘The hour has come for the son of man to be glorified. Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But it dies, it produces many seeds. Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world, will keep it for eternal life’.” Therefore, when we learn the greatness of true happiness, life gets cut short. Always have your life in a way that you can always change something for the better. A way to keep your life. Always strive to be a better person today than yesterday. That’s the key to becoming a better person. We learn from our mistakes, which is experience. We learn what we don’t want. If you don’t learn, then that’s not experience. You have to study something for awhile, then take a break. During that break, is when you really gather your thoughts and actually learn from it. Experience is what you get, when you don’t get what you want. ☆Withy Writing☆

Send Me Your Dick Pics

By Zaina Starr  Send me your dick pick. Ha ha. Not. I’m really only kidding. If you have seen one dick pic, then you have seen them all. Plus there is this program called Adobe photoshop, that can do a picture wonders, let me tell you. I’ve seen things that I never knew existed. No girl wants a dick pick. They want the real thing. They want the real deal. The full show. And it better be worth their time. No girl likes getting all fixed up, taking the time to put makeup on for the show to be a no go or failure. That five star show that got that hot girl to even send you a message, well she has done sent her rating in and it is going to be a 0. A zero for that hero. Men are going to eventually have to start taking numbers, just like at the bmv. And still that doesn’t mean you are in. That just means you have a face to face meeting with that hot girl. If the girl decides to further her study with you, then maybe there will be another face to face meeting. Here’s the catch, there will be n

Living Love

By Zaina Starr 

Highly Awakened

By Zaina Starr  "In grief, there is no stage called closure.” Have you ever wanted to know why someone  spoke of such crazy thoughts? Thoughts that most do you not understand, at that time, or brush it off, as simply “they’re confused and talking out of their head.” Anyone ever thought, “Where did those thoughts originate from?” I realize that not everyone experiences is Discovery or even meets anyone who is confused. Confused to where others start to notice that these “confused individuals” are not confused after all. They are so highly awake and that they are transferring messages from the future back to us. When we receive the message, we do not understand this. Not till later, when we reflect back on what was said at the time of confusion. That is when the puzzles fall into place. A bigger picture opens up to our attention. The “confused one” was actually “the one with knowledge”. Also known as being highly awakened. An Awakening is the highest emotional level anyo

Prison Words

Prison Words

Good Soil And Fruit

Good Soil And Fruit

Angel Wings

Angel Wings 

Rainbows & Stars

Rainbows & Stars We all want to be just the rainbows and stars in society. That is all a girl ever really wants.  We never get to be that. We are just a piece of ass for someone that they fuck and then just throw out as trash. Why cannot anyone ever just love us and let us love them.  Seems like the whores and sluts are the only ones who get treated like a real person. I am alone in this world like I've always been.  Left to battle the world by myself. Zaina Starr